Sensory and Occupational Therapy

Children can present with many different sensory sensitivities or sensory challenges.  Depending if they are over-responsive or under-responsive and which sensory system you are looking at – what challenges a child may have, behaviors they may present with and most importantly, what you do to help them – can all look vastly different!

Make sure you’ve read our post “Sensory Challenges? Understanding the sensory system and how dysregulation may affect your child” where we dive much deeper into the sensory systems and how to figure out your child’s sensory needs and how to help them.

In our interview below with Justine Hanson, OTA, Justine discusses:

  • How sensory challenges may present in kids if they are over or under responsive to stimuli
  • What is a sensory diet
  • How OT may be able to help
  • Ideas to try with kids who are sensory seekers
  • Ideas to try with kids who get overstimulated or overwhelmed
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​In 2013 our twin boys Jacob and Noah were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We began a journey of discovery in…

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