Warrior Families

Tips for structuring your day during virtual or home schooling and how virtual therapy can still provide valuable benefits

Still seeing frustration or anxiety with your child at home all day?

While some things are starting to open up out there, many of us with children, especially children with special needs are still mainly having to isolate at home.  A lot of us are also looking at our ESY or summer school program only happening virtually.  Many therapy clinics are still only doing virtual therapy, and a lot of parents put a hold on therapy altogether, not feeling like their child would be able to really engage in a virtual therapy session or get anything out of it.  

Justine Hansen, OTA joins us to give some great tips on structuring your day with your child at home and provides insight into how virtual therapy sessions can provide a lot of value to both the parents and the child.  While the benefits and focus may be very different than their normal “in-person” OT session (or ST session), there are some vital things that your therapist can truly help you and your child with through virtual sessions.  Check out our full interview below!

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​In 2013 our twin boys Jacob and Noah were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We began a journey of discovery in…

3 thoughts on “Tips for structuring your day during virtual or home schooling and how virtual therapy can still provide valuable benefits”

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