About Us

In 2013 our twin boys Jacob and Noah were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We began a journey of discovery in an attempt to understand how our lives would be affected and how to help them be the best they could be.  What we found was there is no such thing as normal. Our lives going forward would be defined by our boys’ view of the world.


We embrace the unique abilities, talents and personalities that our boys possess. We celebrate these differences in all that we do every single day. We try to see triumphs in all of the little things, however, of course that is not always easy.  We don't pretend there has not been a great amount of challenges, stress and moments of complete overwhelm! 


Having the support for our community of therapists, family and friends who understand, is what has made us stronger through these times and is what continues to help us keep perspective and focus on what we need to celebrate, as well as comfort us through the difficult times.  Without that community, our lives and relationships would be completely different - and so would our boy's lives. 


We want to help all families have this community support that we know is invaluable

Along the way, we struggled with finding answers. We realized early on there were few places to go to get different opinions, learn from experts and develop our strategy to help Jacob and Noah experience the world to its fullest. 


There are so many different types of therapy, different approaches to the same therapy, different strategies, paths and resources!  How can we possibly learn it all, where can we find it all, how do you know what is best, what will work for your child, how do you possibly have the time to begin to understand any of it - and where do you even start?  


We constantly battled with all of these questions! 


Jacob and Noah started Speech therapy at 18 months, and when diagnosed at 2 years old, added in ABA and OT, worked with a psychologist, and eventually PT as well.  We have worked with many wonderful providers over time, however, we always struggled with finding the right mix of the right therapies, therapists who worked together. 


We also struggled to find places that we could take them to play, that were safe and where they were accepted!  The journey, and the lack of resources in our area, led us to come up with our own solution and we opened Triumph Kids, an open play sensory gym and pediatric therapy center.

At Triumph Kids, we hired a variety of therapists (Speech, Occupational & Physical Therapists as well as an ABA team) and as they treated our boys, we learned from them.  We met amazing providers and learned that just like "when you meet one child with Autism - you have met one child with Autism", because all children are so different... so are therapists. 


Every therapist and every strategy does not work for every child!  There are so many approaches, so many styles and theories and often as parents we have no idea where we fit in, what will work for our child, and don't even understand what the different options are.   Our therapists use a lot of different terminology, but how much do we truly understand and how do we in turn use it at home with our kids in "real life"? 


Being on the back-end with the therapists in our clinic, seeing them working with hundred and hundreds of kiddos, we learned so much!  As we talked with the countless families we realized every family out there was experiencing similar challenges, had been through so many of the same struggles, and often have the same frustrations and fears.

Where do I go for answers, information and help?  How do I know who to listen to and possibly most important, what questions should I even be asking? 


While we made the decision to close Triumph Kids in 2019, we also continued to be driven to help families of children with Autism and other special needs. Taking a break from working directly with children, we started Warrior Families to instead support the parents... to be that place for parents to get help, answers, information and support.


Our mission is to provide parents with the information and support that can make a real difference in your families' life today... and in our children's lives today.


We are a community with a shared love for our children, wanting to be the best parents we can be and create the best life we can for our families.


We can help each other to learn, grow and thrive as we move along this journey. Live your life with less stress and fear and with more joy. 


We are love, community, strength and knowledge, we are Warrior Families. 

© Copyright by Warrior Families All Rights Reserved.