child meltdown, emotional regulation

Challenges With Aggression & Emotional Regulation

Discussing challenges with aggression & emotional regulation

Licensed psychologist, Nicole Yehudai discusses with us her thoughts and some basic strategies when your child is challenged with aggression & difficulties with emotional regulation.

Aggression & emotional regulation

    • Can you identify the trigger OR can you identify the signs that the child’s frustration, anxiety or anger is growing?  
    • Can you teach your child to identify those feelings or signs?
    • Can you find strategies that work to calm or relax them before they get too escalated. 
    • Once the child is able to identify those feelings within themselves – can you teach those strategies to the child, so they can implement them on their own and keep themselves more regulated independently?
  • Establishing effective communication –
    • What is your child’s ability to understand and express their emotions or what they are feeling?  
    • Can you find a common language for everyone to use with your child, that is at a level they understand? 
    • Can you teach or model for your child a way that they can effectively communicate with you?

Check out our full interview with Dr. Yehudai below!!


Decrease unwanted behaviors & promote language development at home.

Additional Resources (Links)


Nicole Yehudai, PsyD

Dr. Nicole Yehudai is a licensed psychologist at Palm Beach Behavioral Health and Wellness. Dr. Yehudai has experience with a variety of presenting concerns including Autism Spectrum diagnoses, trauma, severe emotional disturbances, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, bullying, oppositional concerns and adjustment disorders. 

She believes establishing and maintaining a trusting therapeutic relationship is essential for growth. She employs an integrative approach combining play therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family systems and behavior management strategies to gauge a client’s current functioning and utilize their strengths to help promote growth. 

Dr. Yehudai respects and understands the different approaches necessary to work with individuals and families across different ages and cultural backgrounds and she enjoys the diversity of this challenge.

Palm Beach Behavior Health and Wellness:

About Us

​In 2013 our twin boys Jacob and Noah were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We began a journey of discovery in…

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